Delivery is very important for both our customers and us. We adopt multiple logistic method and cooperation companies to get the discount and fast delivery rate as well as customs clearance. All our workers are professional to help you decide the appropriate logistic and we will track goods state in time.
We have professional sales to help you plan suitable logistic line and appropriate logistics routes and modes according to your order. All sales are trained with professional export and logistic knowledge to ensure error-free communication with customers. All newcomers within 1 year will be led by experienced veterans to ensure error-free.
With many years of export experience, we have several long-time courier agents who always find us the best shipping solutions (fast time, discounted shipping rates, smooth customs clearance)
All products are manufactured within the designated delivery timeframe and dispatched as soon as shipping logistics have been confirmed. Our transportation system is highly efficient, ensuring rapid access to airports, ports, and logistics hubs.
Once the goods are sent out, we will follow up the logistics status and communicate with the customer in time, so that the customer can grasp the logistics dynamics and be informed of the arrival of the goods in the first time.